Saturday, September 29, 2012

See you next week

The Sarasota chapter has just completed Wild at Heart and it was great, Jan was able to incorporate the various video clips from movies like, Brave hart, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator etc and what an impact it had on the segments. This week we will be having a link ceremony and will be talking about upcoming events for our band of brothers. For those of you who have been MIA we have been praying for you and now is a time to check back in. We are still meeting every Tuesday at 7:00 at Woodland and we have a new cook and he never lets us down. For you old timers, you remember what dinner was like when it was catered from Tampa but I will tell you that we are eating much better today. We also have 2 of the Wildwoman who surprise us each week with something special for desert. If that is not enough we also have a brother who regularly brings in special coffee to round the night off. We are going to be starting a new study on the 9th and next week would be a great time to stop by and reconnect. HOPE TO SEE YOU THEN. On a personal NOTE; Had a God moment last night that I wanted to share with you because people ask: “does God really talk to us” Well I say yes. Last night I was dealing with disciplining Dylan and as I sat on the end of his bed to talk to him about his consequence for his actions, the Holy Spirit prompted me to tell him the story about my Brother Tony and his son in jail and how his actions put a glass wall up between them and that when we sin it is like that with God, he is still there but we are separated because of our sin. He still loves us but the sin separates us from his loving embrace. The consequence for his actions was severe in his mind and part of me was thinking that I should let him slide so he would not miss a special day today with his friend. At 12:04 (just after midnight) I got a text from my brother Tony and it was him asking for prayer for his son in Jail. I have not spoken to or had a text from Tony in over a month. Was it a coincidence??? No it was God. God is there, walking with you every day, the question is are you listening? Peter

Friday, May 29, 2009



Cactus Sky believes...

Cactus Sky Communications Inc. is launching into the social networking arena with the development of this blog. We also have accounts with Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In.
Our purpose is to show the heart and soul of our organization and demonstrate by our actions as well as our words our Christian beliefs and principles which direct our operations. We are simply stewards of what the Lord provides.
We want our company to be responsive to our clients, partners and employees in ways that are meaninful to them and provide for their spiritual well being and maturation.